Dear resident,
I am campaigning on the local issues that matter most: stopping fly-tipping, fixing the potholes, demanding fortnightly bin collections, and fighting to keep local services within the ward.
I'm proud to have lived and worked in this ward for all of my life. I care deeply about my community, and that's why I've served on Shotts Community Council since 1992, helping to found local projects like Shape Up Shotts and securing vital funding for the regeneration of Stane Gardens.
Thanks to your support, I was able to beat the SNP and won more than double the Conservative vote in the September 2017 by-election. Labour are only fielding two candidates, and so can't retain all four seats they currently hold.
You can help me beat the SNP again by backing me with your Number 1 Vote on Thursday 5 May. It's time we had a strong, local, Unionist voice!
Yours sincerely,
John Jo Leckie